sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014

Rāśi & graha dṛṣṭi, how it works?

         Although in jyotiṣa there are two kinds of dṛṣṭis (aspects): rāśi and graha dṛṣṭis, astrologers generally utilize only graha dṛṣṭi. One of the reasons is that some think that the rāśi dṛṣṭi is to be used only in Jaiminī astrology. However, there is a view, – which I agree – that Jaiminī just continued what Parāśara taught. The prove of this is that Parāśara also gave to us rāśi dṛṣṭis, argalās, ārūḍhas, cara kārakas, rāśi daśās, including a whole chapter teaching how to predict using cara daśā and other rāśi daśās. Therefore, there is enough proof that Jaiminī only developed more some of these techniques in his Upadeśa Sūtras.
         Now, coming back to dṛṣṭis, I will put here my understanding of this question:

(1)  Rāśi dṛṣṭis are sign aspects, in this the movable signs aspects the fixed signs, and the fixed signs the movable signs. The dual signs aspects only the dual signs.
(2)  Graha dṛṣṭis are graha aspects, in this all the planets look the 7th from them, and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn have special dṛṣṭis known among all the students and scholars of jyotiṣa.
(3)  Rāśi type of dṛṣṭi is a fixed dṛṣṭi, yogas formed in this way will work through the life and their variations will occur according to daśā and transit, but it cannot stop to work as it connects circumstances, environments (rāśis).
(4)  Graha dṛṣṭis are temporal, they need to be achieved through daśā, so they are not fixed and they connect entities.
(5)  This is the best way to understand this dṛṣṭis: one is temporal and the other is fixed, one connects circumstances and the other entities.

 Through this I think we can understand the main difference between this dṛṣṭis theoretically, but now we need to access it through an example:

In this chart we see that Saturn is in 9th house in a movable sign, so he aspects the 1th, 4th and 7th houses through rāśi dṛṣṭi and the 3th, 6th and 11th through graha dṛṣṭi. Taking first the rāśi dṛṣṭi, this person likes to be in home playing music and talking with others through his computer, this is clearly seen through his 4th house. But he neglects his diary duties which is indicated by the 6th lord Saturn in 9th house debilitated and retrograde. This makes his father angry with him. This is a constant in his life, a pattern, and it never changes. Time to time his father has to punish him in some way to remember him that he cannot be all the time in internet and playing music, there are many duties related to school and home that he has to fulfill daily. The circumstances of the 9th and 4th house are interconnected, and as it is a 6/8 position from each other, it gives tensions. 

Now look at his graha dṛṣṭis: Saturn aspects 3th, 6th and 11th houses, all upacaya houses. Therefore, he will have desire for growth when Saturn be activated in some way. Between december 2013 to april 2014 Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn viṁśottarī dāśa started and he got an opportunity to work (6th) and gain (11th) with it. The work was completely manual (3th), and he did it well, but as Saturn is weak (4º of aries and debilitated, although retrograde), he didn’t persevered, and in the same period he stopped to work. One of the reasons why he stopped to work is that he was not gaining much well and there was many delays to receive his money. His boss also failed with him in some instances, so he gave up this work.

Now we can see that both kinds of dṛṣṭis work and can be used in a chart. Parāśara gave to us two kinds of dṛṣṭis, and although medieval astrologers didn’t mentioned rāśi dṛṣṭis in their works, we can make use of them and recover this kind of forgotten technique of jyotiṣa in a comprehensively way.

Hari Om Tat Sat

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