sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2015

Debilitated vargottama

            Recently I was studying the vargottama concept, especially regarding the effects of debilitated vargottama planets. My guide, Vishal Aksh ji, said me that a debilitated vargottama gives very bad results when nīchabhanga or other special yogas like viparita rāja yoga is not present in the chart. He also said that if the planet is involved in dainya parivartana yoga[1] his results will be worse. Some astrologers take a different view from a debilitated vargottama, they say that a debilitated vargottama gives results like that of nīchabhanga rāja yoga, others that although it does not give full benefic results, it is better than just be debilitated in D1 (rāśi-chakra). However, these two approaches are misleading if you study a good number of charts with this conditions.

            Now, let me explain what I understood regarding the reason behind the bad results of a debilitated vargottama, it is very logical and simple: a planet that is debilitated in D1 and D9 will have 0 points of viṁśopaka strength in this vargas, so how can it give good results? Unless it gets a good amount of strength in other vargas, forms a viparita rāja yoga or have the support of nīchabhanga yogas its improbable that it will give good results, or the results of a nīchabanga rāja yoga per se as some says.

            If we look at the portions in which the debilitation and vargottama align, it will be the following for the seven planets:

(1)  0º00’ to 3º20’ of libra for Sun.

(2)  13º20’ to 16º40’ of scorpion for Moon.

(3)  0º00’ to 3º20’ of cancer for Mars.

(4)  26º40’ to 30º00’ of pisces for Mercury.

(5)  0º00’ to 3º20’ of capricorn for Jupiter.

(6)  16º40’ to 20º00’ of virgo for Venus.

(7)  0º00’ to 3º20’ of aries for Saturn.

Therefore, it will always occur at the 1th navāṁśa in the case of Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, in the 5th in the case of Moon, 6th in the case of Venus and the 9th in the case of Mercury.

Now let us study an example. The chart below pertains to Paul Anderson, an American weightlifter considered one of the strongest men in recorded history.

In his chart, we find the Sun occupying 0º55’ of libra, so it is debilitated and vargottama. If we take some events of the life of Paul we can see how this condition of Sun created a lot of problems to him. In 1965 Anderson was stricken with a strep throat condition and a temperature of 104, and here the Sun receiving an aspect of the lord of 6th, in the 2th which signifies throat, clearly explain the event. The viṁśottarī period was of Rāhu/Venus, with Rāhu occupying a malefic house and Venus being the dispositor of Sun.

Another significant event occurred in 1983 when he did a kidney transplant after had retired 300 kidney stones, one of them being of the size of a walnut. Kidney is related to libra which here suffers with the Sun-Saturn influence above mentioned which perfectly explain the kidney stones. The event occurred during Jupiter/Moon viṁśottarī daśā. Jupiter is a mārakeśa and the Moon occupies kṛttika, a nakṣatra of the Sun.

His death occurred in 15 august of 1994 due to complications caused by a kidney transplant. In that period, he was 61 years old, a medium life span. The viṁśottarī daśā at this moment was of Saturn/Venus. Saturn is the 6th lord aspecting the Sun and occupying his nakṣatra, u. aśadha, while Venus is his dispositor. So again we find the Sun being the cause of his severe health problems.

Interesting to note in his chart is that Paul was born with some nīchabangas, which can explain why he survived to many of his health problems and also showed such an incredible strength which turned him in a famous person. Another interesting feature of his chart is that the Sun is not only debilitated and vargottama, but also suffering with the ghora saṇkrānti doṣa[2] (Sun in the 1th degree of a sign). The meaning of ghora is terrible, awful, etc., which can refer not only to his terrible health problems that the Sun evoked but also to his frightful appearance. The Sun here is also forming a dainya parivartana yoga with Venus which as Vishal ji instructed me, makes the results worse.

I hope this example give some idea on how a debilitated vargottama can give malefic results.

Goura Hari dāsa
Hari Om Tat Sat

[1] Phaladīpikā (6.30)
[2] BPHS, saṅkrāntī janma śāntyadhyāyaḥ

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