sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014

Rāśi & graha dṛṣṭi, how it works?

         Although in jyotiṣa there are two kinds of dṛṣṭis (aspects): rāśi and graha dṛṣṭis, astrologers generally utilize only graha dṛṣṭi. One of the reasons is that some think that the rāśi dṛṣṭi is to be used only in Jaiminī astrology. However, there is a view, – which I agree – that Jaiminī just continued what Parāśara taught. The prove of this is that Parāśara also gave to us rāśi dṛṣṭis, argalās, ārūḍhas, cara kārakas, rāśi daśās, including a whole chapter teaching how to predict using cara daśā and other rāśi daśās. Therefore, there is enough proof that Jaiminī only developed more some of these techniques in his Upadeśa Sūtras.
         Now, coming back to dṛṣṭis, I will put here my understanding of this question:

(1)  Rāśi dṛṣṭis are sign aspects, in this the movable signs aspects the fixed signs, and the fixed signs the movable signs. The dual signs aspects only the dual signs.
(2)  Graha dṛṣṭis are graha aspects, in this all the planets look the 7th from them, and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn have special dṛṣṭis known among all the students and scholars of jyotiṣa.
(3)  Rāśi type of dṛṣṭi is a fixed dṛṣṭi, yogas formed in this way will work through the life and their variations will occur according to daśā and transit, but it cannot stop to work as it connects circumstances, environments (rāśis).
(4)  Graha dṛṣṭis are temporal, they need to be achieved through daśā, so they are not fixed and they connect entities.
(5)  This is the best way to understand this dṛṣṭis: one is temporal and the other is fixed, one connects circumstances and the other entities.

segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2014

How to use many daśās at the same time?

             In BPHS many daśās was given by the sage Parāśara. As I learned from my guruji Vishal Aksh, when reading a chart many daśās has to be used at the same time, as is only in this way that we can see the big picture of the life of a person. But how to do this? Well, for applying many daśās, basically, we have to look for alignments between them. Here is an example of this:

            The man of this chart is from Brasil, his name is Alexandre Piccini and he travelled to Europe in september of 2013 to realize his doctorate on philosophy. Some months before, he asked me if it would really occur, as it was not confirmed yet at this time. I said yes, he would do it. Now see the mahādaśās which was going on when he did the travel:

sábado, 11 de outubro de 2014

Exalted benefics as lords of dusthānas

            There is a dictum, which says:

If a benefic planet happens to own a dusthāna (6th, 8th or 12th), it will destroy the house occupied by him even if he may be occupying his sign of exaltation… – Śloka 24, Cp. 23 of Phaladīpikā

I did a research on this, focused on benefics as lords of dusthānas posited in their exaltation signs. I’ll share here some of my findings on it:

(1)  The twelve lagnas will have one or even two benefic planets having lordship of dusthānas.

(2)  For leo, sagittarius and aquarius Moon will have lordship of 12th, 8th and 6th respectively.

(3)  For aries, cancer, libra, scorpio, capricorn and aquarius Mercury will have lordship of 6th, 12th, 12th, 8th, 6th, and 8th respectively.

(4)  For taurus, gemini, libra, scorpio, sagittarius and pisces Venus will have lordship of 6th, 12th, 8th, 12th, 6th and 8th respectively.

(5)  For aries, taurus, cancer, leo, libra and capricorn Jupiter will have lordship of 12th, 8th, 6th, 8th, 6th and 12th respectively.

(6)  So based on this we have 21 possibilities of benefics owning dusthānas.

quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

The importance of the Sun in a chart

        Yesterday i wrote about Moon’s strenght and how important it is for the general prosperity of the chart. After this I read two ślokas of Horā Sāra, written by the son of Varāhamihira, Pṛthuyasas which says:

Should the Sun and the Moon be exceedingly strong, all other planets, though weak, will yield good effects in their periods. – Śloka 34, Cp. 3           

The Sun gives vitality to the daśā effects, while the Moon regains the same. All other planets are known as starry planets and remain under the influence of the Sun and the Moon. – Śloka 8, Cp. 8

            This ślokas clearly shows the importance of the Sun and the Moon in a horoscope. It is from the strengths of them that the Grahas derive their own strengths. Vishal ji, my jyotiṣa guru says that Sun and Moon shows inspirations, and without this inspirations how can we live? And how can we succeed?

terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014

Moon's strenght and the other benefics

                In Phaladīpikā is said:

            In warding off evil and in promoting auspicious effects Jupiter is the most powerfull of all planets. Venus possesses half of the auspicious effects of Jupiter and Mercury possesses only half of that of Venus. But the Moon’s strength is the foundation of the strength of all the planets. – śloka 11, cp. 4

            This śloka is very useful. Here it’s clearly defined which Graha has more strength to mitigate evils and promote auspicious effects in a decreasing manner. We see that the two brāhmaṇas: Jupiter and Venus are the most powerful in this context, because as counsellors and ministers they can teach us how to achieve success in a certain matter.

            But the most interesting thing here is:

“…Moon’s strength is the foundation of the strength of all the planets.”

segunda-feira, 6 de outubro de 2014

Jyotiṣa, the supreme vedaṇga

       Jyotiṣa, or hindu astrology is the eternal vidyā which teachs how the sṛṣṭi, or creation works through the agency of a Supreme power. Because of this, it’s called veda nayana, the eye of the veda, and it is the supreme vedaṇga, the most important among six branchs of knowledge which helps to understand the veda.

       Since now I’ll start to write some articles on this supreme vidyā for the benefit of everyone. I’m from Brasil and study vedic astrology since 3 years ago, although my study on astrology is older than this. Here I’ll share my understanding of some of the teachings of this great knowledge, and also my findings and personal researches. As I’m a young person, I’m completely open to critics and opinions. My sole intention is to help, share and learn.

Hari Om Tat Sat